Monday, February 05, 2007

Wedding Planning...... Engagement Party Date!

Wedding planning is scary!

There are so many things to spend money on, and so many people willing to help you spend that money!

We picked a figure out of the air for how much money we want to spend on a wedding. Then we looked at what things cost... then we realised we probably need to spend more!

If one is serving any kind of food, or supplying any kind of alcohol, then costs are high. Add in that BabyCakes and I both come from large-ish families, and we have a "small" wedding of about 100 people....

We are in the process of getting information from where we really want to have our reception, and if the prices fit with our budget, then I think we have the two really big decisions set... Venues for the wedding and reception... but if one doesn't pan out, then we will probably reevaluate both decisions...

What we have decided on though, is an engagement party. We drove past the Booroodabin Bowls Club on Saturday morning, which is where BabyCakes and I met, and thought it would be a fun place to have our engagement party. We've decided to have the party in late May, which will be about a year from the wedding (we plan that for sometime in May 2008 - note it in your diaries!). We're going to hire some rinks so we can play some barefoot bowls, and have a fun relaxed spot for some drinks and nibbles. It's going to be a late afternoon/early evening thing so it will be a child friendly event. I'm looking forward to it!

The best part is that I don't have to do dishes afterwards!!!

Stay tuned for invites in the mail a bit closer to the time (I suppose I should confirm our booking before telling people to turn up!).

There are certainly some fun elements to planning a wedding, and I choose to only think about those ones at W-15months!


Rastas000 said...

I was wondering if you had considered the merits of eloping???

Some (she and me) might say that it is a relatively painless alternative, but there would also be the pain on return. Most families just can't cope with the eloping thing.....

On second thoughts, forget that I even mentioned, or thought about it....

Crazy Cat Lady said...

Yeah, I have thought about eloping... but as you said, the family outcry would be horrendus.

I'm the eldest girl... I think my Dad has been waiting a while to walk down the aisle with me.

Besides, it's the one excuse I have to through a BIG party, and pay for it. I wouldn't pay the same money for any other party. I want to be a bride!

Does it surprise anyone that I have the first draft of the guest list drawn up yet?

Anne C. said...

My Grandfather and his wife eloped when they married a few years caused no end of dented egos and noses out of joint from his children!

Much cheaper alternative though!