Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Know How I Could Make Millions...

If I could bottle the effects of the hormones I have coursing through my body right now, I'd be rich.

I feel fantastic.

I'm happy, calm, serene, and all of this on broken, disjointed sleep of a duration less than my norm.

I celebrate poos, wees, burps and farts.

My routine, my life has gone out the window.

The bank balance is dwindling at an alarming rate.

And to top it off, most alarmingly, I would happily be pregnant again tomorrow despite the fact that intellectually I know that is not our plan, nor is it something I'd aspire to.

I'm very happy. This is working for me at this point in time.

I like it.


The Wah said...

You have a baby...

I have a juicer...

let's make millions!

Crazy Cat Lady said...

You think that's how it works?

I'm not sure, I haven't been eating my child...

Wingedmonkey said...

I'll have what she's having!